Who are we?

At FIOMA Real Estate, our journey began in 2018 with a shared vision to redefine the world of real estate. Founded by a team of passionate individuals, including Imaan Cooper, Only Only, Freddy Aristizabal, Moses Ebenardor, and Arthur Kamarouski, FIOMA emerged as a global force committed to making dreams come true. Our vision is to transcend geographical boundaries and cultural differences, uniting people from all corners of the world in the pursuit of finding their perfect home. We believe that every client is unique, and their dreams and aspirations are at the heart of our mission. With a relentless dedication to excellence, we have made clients our number one priority. We strive to provide exceptional service, whether you're seeking a cozy apartment, an elegant villa, a serene farmhouse, or a charming townhouse. Our commitment is unwavering, and our journey continues, fueled by the dreams and stories of those we serve.

Meet the Team

Moses Ebenardor

Moses Ebenardor
Real Estate Analyst

Only Only

Only Only
Real Estate Agent

Arthur Kamarouski

Arthur Kamarouski
Real Estate Attorney

Freddy Aristizabal

Freddy Aristizabal
Real Estate Coordinator

Imaan Cooper

Imaan Cooper
Real Estate Developer